Thursday February 4, 2010 - "Food Bank of WNY Sweet Charity"
Indulge in spectacular desserts from WNY’s best restaurants, hors d'oeuvres,
a Champagne and wine tasting, delicious coffee and a fabulous silent auction
in one of Buffalo’s most remarkable settings! Don’t miss out – purchase your
individual event tickets now for only $40. Proceeds support the Food Bank
of WNY in its mission to provide nutritional food, training, and education
options to agencies and their clients, and distribute 12 million pounds of
food to more than 96,000 WNY families. 5:30-9:00 pm Asbury Hall
(Babeville -The Church) 341 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY. Corner of W.
Tupper. For info go to or call 716-852-1305.
Saturday February 6, 2010 - "Twenty-eighth Annual ABATE Buffalo/Erie
Newsletter Party"
Live music by Strange Addiction! Food, drink, door prizes and alot of fun!
EVERYONE IS WELCOME! 3-9 PM at The Chicken Coop VFW Post 8113, 299 Leydecker Rd. West Seneca, NY 14224. Donation is $20 per person or $35 per couple. Help support your RIGHT TO RIDE and fight cabin fever at the same time! American Bikers Aimed Toward Education - Dedicated to Freedom of The Road. More details to be announced! For info go to or please call Debbie 716-949-9557 or
Julie 716-655-6473.
*Join us for our Membership Meetings 7:30 PM on the third Wednesday of the
month at VFW Post 8113 "The Chicken Coop" 299 Leydecker Road West Seneca, NY
February 6-7, 2010 - "Syracuse Super Swap & Cycle Expo"
The largest motorcycle showcase & swap meet under one roof in the North
East! Motorcycle Show. We're not kidding! This is HUGE! Bring out our Knuckles & Flatheads! Buy New, Build a Re-cycle Cycle, Restore and Rebuild!
Sat. 11am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm. Door prizes and cash awards for custom bikes!
Motorcycle Show. Center of Progress Bldg. NYS Fairgrounds Syracuse, NY. For
more info checkout or call 315-472-7931.
February 6-8, 2010 - "Easyriders Tenth Annual V-Twin Expo"
This annual two-wheeled trade show was created exclusively for V-Twin
motorcycle dealers. Over 400 exhibitors represent the cream of the crop
among manufacturers and distributors alike. The V-Twin Expo is attended by
over 10,000 industry professionals and is thought of as the ultimate
motorcycle trade show! V-Twin industry awards of excellence are also
presented by Easyriders. Reception with cocktails, free food and the hottest
party in the industry. Duke Energy Center (Exhibit Hall A, B & C) 525 Elm
Street Cincinnati, OH 45202. This event is not open to the general public.
You MUST be a bona fide motorcycle retailer, manufacturer, or member of the
press. For more info go to or call 866-427-7583 or
Sunday February 7, 2010 - "Eighth Annual Snow-Buster Automotive Swap Meet"
Sponsored by The Niagara Frontier Region Model "A" Restorer's Club. Here you
will find tables filled with new and used vehicle parts, including rare and
one-of-a-kind items, toys, racing gear and collectibles. Parts for ALL cars
and trucks. Antiques, customs, rods and more. WNY's Largest Indoor Meet!
Over 200 vendors! This event is perfect for the Restorer, Hobbyist, or Collector. Be sure to visit the snack bar. Vendor space available. 9:00am-3:00pm at The Fairgrounds-Grange and Marketplace Buildings 5600 McKinley Parkway Hamburg, NY 14075. Admission: $4.00 donation to support our Scholarship Fund. Parking: Free. Free Bulletin board to advertise your event! For more information checkout or call 716-662-4931.
Tuesday February 9, 2010 - "CFC&HAH Motorcycle Event Planning Committee Meeting"
CFC&HAH is Choppers For Charity & Hogs Against Hunger! Do you like to meet people, have fun AND help out a great cause? This meeting will be 6:30 pm at Metzger's Pub 4135 Seneca St., West Seneca 14224. Are you looking for some riding buddies? Are you a local business owner in need of more sales? The Food Bank Motorcycle Event Committee for 2010 (CFC&HAH) is looking for new members NOW! The planning and promoting for the April 24th Food Bank Motorcycle Event event is in full swing! This will be the BIG 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION and will be BIGGER and BETTER THAN EVER! Be part of history in the making! Help is needed passing out flyers at events and to businesses, selling motorcycle raffle tickets, getting sponsors & raffle prize donations, attending various events to promote, media (TV/radio/press) relations, recruiting vendors, celebrity guests, bike & car show participants, day-of-event help, etc. etc. Whatever you can do would be greatly appreciated! The Food Bank of WNY's mission is to obtain food and support from public and private sources and efficiently redistribute these resources to affiliated charitable providers such as soup kitchens, pantries and shelters. If you are interested in helping out in ANY way PLEASE contact Bev Lanza at 716-445-4108 or
Saturday February 13, 2010 - "Fifth Annual Shake off the Winter Blues
For time, location and details call 585-535-7692.
Saturday February 27, 2010 - "SNOWBALL BIKER BASH"
The party is at P.J. PUB, (next to Pizza Junction) 1269 Erie Ave., North Tonawanda, NY. Starts at 8:00 p.m. and includes a buffet dinner, 2-hour open bar, and live music by The A-List. Cost is $25 per person. This party is hosted by ABATE of New York, The Niagara Chapter. EVERYONE IS INVITED! Come meet and iarty with the members who fight for your motorcycle rights. Party info: Call Joe “D” at 716-695-3415. Send check or money order to: Joe Dagustine 3559 Northcreek Run, North Tonawanda, NY 14120. For more info go to
March 5-7, 2010 - "Seventeenth Annual Cavalcade of Cars & Bikes"
Agri-Center Building, Hamburg, NY. Show and Cruise News presents the 16th
Annual Cavalcade of Cars, and the Eight Annual Pinstripers Convention. Rods,
Customs, Classics, Motorcycles, Custom Tuners, Race Prepared, Pinstriping on
the premises and Vendors. Watch some of the country's HOTTEST Pinstripers,
Letterers and Automotive Artists ply their skills on almost anything you can imagine! If you can carry it into the show (Fri. & Sat.), these guys can stripe, letter or flame it! You can also purchase your own piece of Kustom Kulture by bidding in the Silent Auction or the two Live Auctions. These artists all donate their time and talents to benefit the charity! See Buffalo's Blues Brothers, Terry Buchwald - ELVIS, and The Diva Band! Proceeds benefits local charities. Tickets available at Buffalo Harley Davidson. For more details checkout or call 716-656-9734 or 716-649-3900.
March 13 & 14, 2010 - "E-ville Mardi Gras Festival"
A weekend of costumes, parades, music and good times in the Ellicottville
Village and at Holiday Valley Resort. You won't want to miss one of the
zaniest parades ever on Saturday right down the main street of Ellicottville. Get your costumes and beads ready and enjoy great music and entertainment in the Village of Ellicottville and on the slopes of Holiday Valley Resort. You may even win the Mardi Gras King and Queen competition at the Village Gazebo immediately following the parade. The streets of Ellicottville, NY will be lined with motorcycles and the bars will be hopping! Madigans, Balloons, Double Diamond, Ellicottville Brewing Company, Gin Mill and more! Located 1 hour south of Buffalo and only minutes from Hamburg & Orchard Park. I-90 West to Rt. 219 South. For more details checkout or call 716-699-4455 or 800-349-9099.
Sunday March 14, 2010 - "St. Patrick's Putt, Parade & Party"
The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade is Buffalo's largest celebration of the
Irish heritage. The Parade draws people of all nationalities. The enthusiastic crowds line Delaware Avenue as the Irish dancers, bands, civic organizations, and others march proudly by in celebration and in honor of St. Patrick. Each year, thousands of people flock downtown to enjoy the annual tradition. ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) of Buffalo Erie will be participating with their float (trailer) of bikes! If you would like to join in on the fun, riding your bike, on the trailer, or walking, please call 716-825-2627 or 716-627-3134.
March 26-28, 2010 - "Axis of Steel - A Motorcycle Experience"
The Electric City, Scranton Pennsylvania will be hosting a HUGE motorcycle
event at the Riverfront Sports Complex, along with 60,000 sq ft of Astroturf
will soon be covered with a great collection of dealers and both American &
Metric displays. Additionally featuring the Anaconda, the World's Only 10-Passenger Motorcycle! Axis of Steel's trademark event, the $1,000,000 Motorcycle Show will invite motorcycles for more cash and a Custom Trophy. "We hope to break the record from our last event in Lancaster of 1.3 million dollars of motorcycles on display," says Eric Kropiewnicki, spokes person for Axis of Steel. Exhibitor's: Check online for our 'Axis of Steel Stimulus Plan' Exhibitors, Live Interactive stage with the Ringmaster and a full schedule of family entertainment promises to be a great event! ALSO, $100 will be given away every hour as one of the door prize specials. to be used at the event. This event is going to be HUGE! Hours: 3-8pm Friday ($5 admission); 10-7pm Saturday and 11-5pm Sunday ($10 admission) Children 12 and under FREE. For more details go to or call Eric Kropiewnicki at 717-805-6635.
Saturday April 3, 2010 - "The Hog Farm Annual Motorcycle Swapmeet & Show"
3-9pm at the Erie County Fairgrounds, Hamburg, NY. All makes & models, live
music! Entries for the Bike Show are due by March 26th. Vendor Spots available. Make your reservations ASAP! For more info checkout or call 716-822-3227.
*Stop by the Food Bank's "Choppers for Charity & Hogs Against Hunger" table
for your chance to win a Custom Harley 1200 Sportster.
April 9-11, 2010 - "Rochester Motor Mania"
Inside the Dome Center at 2695 Henrietta Road, Henrietta , NY 14467. This is an invitation only show that will include top quality cars, bikes, trikes, trucks and more. Many participants are from outside of the area including Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and Canada. Meet The Legend, wrestling superstar Mick Foley! For more details check out or call 585-352-5377.
April 10 & 11, 2010 - "Toronto International Spring Motorcycle Show"
Over 200 Exhibitors! This giant retail extravaganza features fabulous bargains from rows and rows of accessory dealers; Helmets, Leather Jackets, Tires, Accessories... all your riding needs. Show bikes, builders and swap meet. At the International Centre 6900 Airport Road, Toronto Ontario Canada. For more info checkout or call 905-655-5403 or 416-368-1985.
Saturday April 24, 2010 - "Choppers for Charity & Hogs Against Hunger 10-Year Anniversary Celebration"
Choppers for Charity & Hogs Against Hunger (CFC-HAH) is the Food Bank of WNY's 10th Annual Motorcycle Run, Car/Bike Show & Benefit Party! Live music with Wllie May Band, The Strangers and Harvey & The Hurricanes! Come help us celebrate the BIG 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Mark your calendar, save the date, get the day off work if you have to. Always the last Saturday in April. This is always THE event to kick of the riding season! Good people, cool music, hot bikes, wild cars and a GREAT TIME. EVERYONE is welcome... bikes, cars, trucks or your own two feet! This is a TOTAL BENEFIT for The Food Bank of WNY. Food, drink, 50/50, Vendors, contests, Trophies, Celebrity guests, Raffle Prizes, and more. Win a customized Harley 1200c Sportster! This is an old time, good time that you'll not soon forget. You won't want to miss this event! Rain, Snow or Shine! If you can't make it for the run, please join us for the Benefit Party. One of the BEST PARTIES of the year! Check-in at 11am at Native Pride Travel Plaza, bike run & car caravan leaves at 1:00 SHARP! 11359 Southwestern Blvd (Rt. 20) (at Milestrip) Irving, NY 14081. After-run party 2pm 7pm at Club Paradise, 3950 McKinley Parkway, Blasdell, NY 14219. For more info go to or contact Bev or Kelly at or 716-445-4108.
Saturday April 24, 2010 - "Springville Travelers M.C. Bonfire Party"
Join us at 8pm for our Bonfire Party immediately after The Food Bank's Choppers for Charity & Hogs Against Hunger event! EVERYONE is welcome to The Springville Travelers Clubhouse 14340 Scoby Hill Rd. and Rt. 219, Springville, NY 14141. The Springville Travelers Club was established on May 5, 1934 and continues to grow with each passing year. Today, the club offers a variety of fun motorcycle events for everyone to enjoy. Poker Runs, Bike Shows, Field Meets, Chili Runs and more! We’re a family oriented club and we have both men and women as members. Also mark your calendars for our 75th Anniversary Party August 22nd. No Guns, No Drugs, No Attitudes, No Pets. For more info go to or call the Springville Travelers MC at 716-592-3199 or 716-597-8872.
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